Vibes "Daisy" Rolling Tray
Vibes "Daisy" Rolling Tray
Intorucing Vibes Metal Rolling Tray Daisy
Brought to you by Vibes
Brought to you all the way from the USA
The VIBES Metal Tray in Daisy design is the perfect accessory for your smoking experience. The sturdy and durable tray is made from high-quality metal and features a vibrant and eye-catching Daisy design. It is perfect for rolling, packing, and organizing your smoking essentials. The tray has raised edges to keep everything in place and avoid spills. It's also easy to clean and maintain, making it a must-have for any smoking setup.
Looking for Vibes Rolling Trays? Visit Skyline Smoke Shop, or take a look through our online store for details. We Don't Just Ship to Johannesburg, Cape Town & Durban we ship Nationwide Anywhere in South Africa